Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Where is the Respect? (Portfolio 4)

Freedom of speech, thoughts and religion serve as common examples of freedom’s that we as citizens have in the United States.  However, when focusing on freedoms in a religious sense, respect is majorly significant. All throughout the United States there are mosques built and used by many of the muslim citizens.  Yet a muslim leader, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf feels that it is absolutely necessary to have a mosque built close to Ground Zero.  Rauf is known as a man of “peace” and strongly thinks that by building the mosque in this particular spot, will bring the U.S. and Muslim worlds together.  Additionally, Rauf has a friendly relation to another man, Faiz Kahn, who makes strong accusations that the happenings of 9/11 were not due to the muslims, but was the United State’s fault.  In an interview from the show “60 Minutes” on September 30, 2001, Rauf had stated “I wouldn’t say that the United States deserved what happened, but the United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened”.  In that same interview Rauf was asked to clarify the statement he had made and he basically tells us how we have been accessories to a lot of innocent lives dying in the world and “ In a direct sense, Usama Bin Laden is made in the U.S.A.”  As a citizen in America, this is an extremely important issue that needs to be given attention.  The site of 9/11 is no joke; those who lost their lives that day should be honored and given respect.  There is no good enough reason to have to mess with a sacred area and start unnecessary controversies. The idea of respect needs to strongly be reiterated for this case scenario. This is a crucial topic to discuss, but furthermore, I feel that we should not be allowing these Muslim leaders to interfere with the U.S. memorial grounds.  Especially when individuals such as Kahn come into play and feel that it was America’s own fault.  It is acceptable to question the idea of building the mosque by the 9/11 site, Although, it is unacceptable to argue and stand 100% for the construction of the mosque while not knowing the real facts behind what really happened on 9/11. 
Citizens in the U.S. have their opinions and heart felt instincts, where as descendants from the muslim community have different thoughts.  Throughout the past month, the issue began ‘small’ and has built up to a more complex topic.  The main two debates that this problem has broken down to are how it is wrong to put the mosque near Ground Zero and that the fact that this is America and people living here are given the rights to preach their religious views and feelings. Both are excellent and significant points, however, I am siding with the first debate. The fact that building a religious monument near a place that was once attacked by the Muslims themselves shows lack of respect towards citizens who have been personally affected, as well as the country itself. From the article “New York Mosque Controversy Fires Up National Campaign” by fox news states that:
On September 11, they declared war against us. And to celebrate that murder of 3,000
Americans, they want to build a monstrous 13-story mosque at Ground Zero.  A mosque
at Ground Zero must not stand.  The political class says nothing. The politicians are doing
        nothing to stop it.  But we Americans will be heard. Join the fight to kill the Ground Zero
      Just the thought of the proposition in building the mosque is a horrifying site to imagine. The lack of consideration and not being open minded about such a serious issue is wrong.  Everyone is different and have different mind thoughts but there needs to be a meeting point for each side of the debates to meet half way. The way that this whole controversy is going down is in the most unorganized way possible not offering many choices besides a yes or no.  If it were up to me to make the final decision,  I would say no and tell Rauf to go find another site to put his mosque up at, since there are plenty in the U.S. to begin with.
Unfortunately for this case, the idea of respect needs to be constantly reminded.  Since this issue began there has been a descending amount of respect portrayed.  Rauf continues to be inconsiderate and only stick with his mindset of the mosque being a positive aspect.  Furthermore, he attempts to make up for the single minded thought coming off as selfish by saying that not only the muslims feel it would be a good choice, but it could settle feelings for both the Muslims and U.S. citizens by bringing the two world’s together.  Discussing this particular topic of respect are where the most bias-like and vulgar statements lye. One of the most primary points as to why people are against the construction of the mosque are due to their personal feelings.  Nearly 3,000 people have died and family members and friends feel it is necessary to honor those lost.  As a display of major disrespect and shock, Mayor Bloomberg sides with the inconsiderate Muslim leaders.  In an article published by the fox news team, Mayor Bloomberg states how:
The government should never, never be in the business of telling people how 
they should pray or where they can pray. We want to make sure that everybody
from around the world feels comfortable coming here, living here and praying
the way they want to pray.
It is a difficult enough to deal with “outsiders” who did not experience the tragedy of 9/11 and continue to make accusations, however for a citizen, let alone the mayor, to take the side of those “outsiders” strikes even more harshly than any other individual.   Additionally to the many people feeling as though they are being disrespected, it comes off as if the muslim leaders are trying to make a celebration of the mosque being built.  Another statement from the fox news team states how “The controversy which has emerged regarding the building of an Islamic Center at this location is counterproductive to the healing process.  Therefore, under these unique circumstances, we believe the city of New York would be better served if an alternative location could be found.”  I agree one hundred percent with this statement and feel that in order to be a part of the American society, respect is something to be earned and accepted; in which this case the respect we once had, is now gone. 
While this controversy continues to be swayed back and forth in the decision making process, there is another issue that is being created that is crucial; the true reason for building the mosque on Ground Zero.  Some of the innocent Muslim-American citizens are beginning to feel embarrassed by the statements and actions by their “leader”, Rauf. Furthermore, some come to find themselves feeling confused about their place in the United States due to others wanting the government to question how the mosque will be paid for etc.  Rauf claims how the questioning of the mosque leaves muslims questioning their place in American politics and civil life.  However, they are statements like these which serve as proof as to how Rauf continues to disregard the proximity of this issue and act as if he does not know.  Rauf is a member of an organization which is called the Cordoba Initiative.  The objective of this group are for Muslims to try and improve their relations with those living in the west.  Yet due to this membership of Rauf’s, his readings and writings begin to fake people out leaving the innocent citizens who are living in the United States to feel embarrassed and question “Why are you doing this to us?”.  Many citizens are satisfied and grateful for the mosques that they have built, although it leads to the major question, why is it necessary to build a huge mosque near ground zero? The controversy continues to expand as it builds off of the minor issue of affecting how the muslims feel in the United States.  As interviewed multiple times, the same answer had come from Rauf leaving interviewers and the public striving to figure out the true meaning behind this all.  When asked for his reasonings as to why he feels the mosque should be put up, he simply doesn’t have one.  The best answer anyone can get is how he wants there to be peace and leave everyone to not be upset about the proposition.  In this strong and serious scenario, he is everything but correct as he continues to lack support of this major case.
Overall, this issue of the mosque possibly being built by Ground Zero is one that I am hoping will die down and not actually be put into effect.  Perspectives come from all different angles but this case, I feel, is one that needs to be focused solely on the single point of respecting American citizens.  No matter how many days, months, or years it has been since 9/11, there will never be a single person not trying to heal from the tragedy that occurred.  Rauf and his friend Kahn need to step down and realize what they are getting themselves involved with by trying to make such a huge mistake in our country.  Not only would this be a huge mistake but the fact that Kahn does not even know the true facts of 9/11 saying that it was the United States fault, is wrong on so many levels.  Who has the audacity to stand in front of millions of people with this proposition of building this religious Muslim church near Ground Zero when they have been the ones who attacked us?  There are plenty of mosques throughout the United States and I will confidently stand 100% against the proposition of this mosque. 

Works Cited
Rosen, James, Fox News. “New York Mosque Controversy Fires Up National Campaign”. N.P. 02, Aug. 2010. Web. 03 Sept. 2010.
Fox News. “Who Is New York Mosque Imam?”. N.P. 20 Aug. 2010. Web. 08 Sept. 2010.
Associated Press. “New York Mosque Fight About More Than Real Estate, Imam Says”. N.P. 01 Sept. 2010. Web. 16 Sept. 2010.
O’Reilly, Bill.  “Evidence NYC Mosque Imam Associated With Radical Muslim”. Video Talking Point Commentary.  13 Sept. 2010. Web. 21 Sept. 2010.
O’Reilly, Bill. “Say Goodbye to Proposed Ground Zero Mosque”. Video Talking Point Commentary.  15 Sept. 2010. Web. 28 Sept. 2010.
Associated Press. “NYC Mosque Imam, Wife Have Police Point Person”. N.P. 04 Oct. 2010. Web. 05 Oct. 2010.

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